Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where all you could do was wait on God to move?

We have been having difficulty with one of our children. We have four of them, so all of them behaving on the same day is unlikely. When difficult situations arise I tend to pick up unhealthy tactics to try to fix the situation. I yell (gasp), loose self-control, and analyze all the things that I should be doing differently as a parent. I even begin to think I need to pray more, fast more, read more, more, more, more. None of these tactics involve resting in God or keeping my focus on Him. They all involve me trying to fix the situation in my own strength.

I recently had a friend confide in me that she was waiting on God to move in a certain situation. She told me, “I am praying, fasting, tithing, praising, and declaring, and the situation still has not changed. What am I doing wrong?”

We are told by our culture that to accomplish something we are to work hard and if you work hard enough you can do anything and be anything. Our exhaustion testifies to this reality. We seem to carry this same thought into our gospel, but the scriptures tell us otherwise.

2015, for me, is a year of seeking out a heart of rest. In honor of what The Lord is teaching me I am going to choose to go against my flesh, my old man, and obey and listen to the prompting of the Spirit.

I began to study the scriptures onwhat to do when you have done everything you know to do.

Bible tells us in 2 Chronicles 20:17 to “position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, He is with you….Do not be afraid or discouraged…for Yahweh is with you.”

What?……”stand still?” Do nothing? How can that be?

We find Paul in Ephesians saying the same thing. 6:13 says, “this is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, having prepared everything to take your stand. Stand therefore.”

“You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17

There is that word again “stand.” The meaning of the word “stand” in the Greek and Hebrew language means, “established, firm, to be presented.”

When we are standing we are not passively doing nothing. We are standing firmly and established on the word of God and who He is. We are allowing Jesus to present our case before the Father.

We, as believers, as daughters of the most high, need to understand no battle is ours to fight alone. Because of the finished work of the cross we can come boldly to the throne of grace, ” so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.” (Hebrews 4:16)

According to Ephesians 1:20, because we are part of Christ we are now seated in a ruling place.

For far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is that is name (above every title that can be conferred), not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come. (Ephesians 1:21 AMP)

We can clearly see in scripture that, for the believer, no battle is ours to fight. The world screams the message to do more, but the gospel speaks a different message….rest because Jesus already did the more for us. In the mist of the battle I choice to trust that God is up to something good, trust that He is fighting for me, and believe in the character of who God is.

Instead of focusing on the problem or circumstances, at hand, or focusing on the enemy, I choose to keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. I choose to stand on the promises He has given me.

In this situation with one of my children, I went against my flesh, and began to declare who he was in the spirit. Who God saw him as. I showered him with love and when, the sitution did not change I continued to remind myself that his story is not over yet, and God was up to something good. I am waiting with expenceny.

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1-2

We can walk in victory knowing that God is at work!

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Lea Turner
I’m Lea Turner. I have a husband, and we’ve got us, five kids. Three grew in my tummy and two in our hearts. My house is loud and crazy. Moved to Mississippi making me a northern girl stuck in a southern world. Silence is rare. Laundry is never caught up. Relationships over to-do-list and grace over guilt. Rest over stress. Being naturally authentic over wearing a religious mask. Deep conversations over a cup of hot coffee is a refreshment to my soul. I'm on a journey of resting entirely in the love of the Father by letting go of striving and walking fully in my identity. Look, I could get you a cup of coffee and listen, welcome to my kitchen sink, I think you'll like it here.

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