“Your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts.”
Not something we celebrate or even invite into our lives. No one wants to be broken and in need. Feels very unnatural to come to the end of ourselves with nowhere to go but up.
Yet, deep intimate prayer is birthed from a place of brokenness. New identity is founded from dying to self. It’s when we come to God with a sense of bankruptcy, a desperate need for Him to move. Exhaustion has over taken us and we have done everything we know to do. We pour out our every need in helplessness and grief.
And God shows up. The word says this is our greatest sacrifice.
“The sacrifices to God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise “Palms 51:17.
Contrite suggest something that is crushed into small particles or ground into powder. He wants to break our self-will, for our souls to prosper. For our full identity to be founded in only Him.
God is not moved by the elaborate words we say or how loud we may say them. He is not into the show we perform for mere man. He looks into the heart.
We see broken as unusable and garbage. God sees broken as beauty and highly usable for His kingdom.
…because today the only words I can utter are, “I need you to move.”
Something is About to be Birthed
I do know situations look there worst when something is about to be birthed. Victory comes forth when we see our own insufficiency. Our eyes turn from our own lack to His great power. His character and agenda must be our main focus.
Everyone of us at some point has experienced the desperation of an impossible situation.
Nehemiah prayed in brokenness and desperation. When he heard the devastating news of Jerusalem’s walls being broken down and its gates destroyed he wept, prayed, and fasted.
Little did Nehemiah know God was about to take his desperate situation and turn it into a great miracle.
A Time for Spiritual Brokenness
“Come, let’s rebuild Jerusalem’s wall, so that we will no longer be a disgrace.” Nehemiah 2:17
We can glean so much from Nehemiah about spiritual brokenness.
First, Nehemiah acknowledged his need for God and put his full trust in Him.
Turn to God in your time of need and pour out your heart before Him. If you find yourself in a place of restlessness. Not hearing from God. Stay on your face before Him. He will speak and give you direction.
Some days I find myself babbling before God in a puddle of tears. Sure, it may not look like I am moving Heaven but my God hears me and peace floods my soul. Stay strong my friend. Nehemiah prayed for four months before he approached the king for help. God gave great favor before the king and incredible vision for the run-down city because Nehemiah waited on God.
When we acknowledge our need for God and put our full trust in Him, we will see possibilities in a task that seem impossible.
Second, he repented.
Never underestimate the need to repent. Take responsibility for your sins. Turn from them and depend on His grace. He will give you vision to bring Heaven to Earth.
Without a right spirit, no sacrifice you offer is pleasing to the Lord.
Just this morning the Lord led me to forgive someone who hurt me. Live a life open to the spirit. Open and vulnerable before the Lord.
Forgiveness and confession keep our hearts open to receive life from the spirit.
And finally, Nehemiah reminded God of His promises.
We don’t declare God’s promises because He forgets them, but because we forget them.
He wants us to live utterly dependent on Him. Utter dependence ensures the abundant life we so desperately long for.
I can tell you friend, He will meet you in your darkest moments and overtake you with His peace. His presence will sustain you. His promise to never leave you or forsake you is true. He is the steady Rock in this unshakable world.
Nehemiah wept. Fasted. Prayed. And Nehemiah became a great leader who lead the nation of Israel to rebuild the city walls. What is on the other side of your brokenness?
It’s when we let our guard down and stop pretending we have it all together, that He moves and takes great delight in us. Brokenness is not a feeling or emotion. It is an act of the will.
What if today instead of looking at your situation as hopeless, you looked at it as hopeful? What if today was the beginning of your break through? What if something amazing was about to be birthed and it all started with your one desperate cry for help?
All God wants is our hearts. No matter how broken and wounded they are.
Because when we take our eyes off of ourselves and our situation and focus them on the One who can move the mountains great things happen.
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The Joy of the Lord is My Strength.
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