Encouraging others to cultivate more of God in everyday life, especially in difficult times.
Through rich Biblical insight, her powerful story, and practical application, Lea stirs people’s hearts and inspires them to want more of God. Read more of her story here.
Speaking Topics
Each message is filled with scripture, stories, and illustrations crafted to inspire women to live life to the fullest.
Here are a few messages I have shared. However, I am happy to tailor messages to your event or retreat theme or create a new message as the Holy Spirit leads.
Simply Be: An Invitation to a Greater Rest
What is your life defined by? Rushing? Survival mode? Distractions? A woman overwhelmed with life’s demands? Or are you a woman whose heart fully trusts in the very character of who God is and abides in His never-ending love? Would rest define your life?
In Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus invites us to rest in who He is rather than strive apart from Him. We know deeply that we were meant for so much more than to-do lists, checklists, more substantial bank accounts, religious rules, clean houses, enhancing our bodies, and having well-behaved children. We were made for more! Unfortunately, they all fall short of being the avenue of purpose we desperately long for them to be. The enemy keeps our focus on these endeavors because He is afraid of what we will become when we walk in full anointing and purpose. This series challenges women to operate from this place of rest rather than the survival mode.
*Discover a life set to grace is a life set to rest.
*Discover how forgiveness is key to a heart at rest.
*Learn to live from this place of rest, even in a wilderness season.
*Move past the mundane into Jesus’s abundant life, knowing with confidence as His daughter.
*Stop the negative mind-chatter and replace it with the truth.
What are You Nursing?
{single-session or multi-sessions}
Offense is toxic if not dealt with because it leads to unforgiveness and bitterness. It affects not only you but if it takes root, it will change every person we encounter. This teaching will help women see feasting on an offense will cripple them. John the Baptist was beheaded over a woman nursing a grudge.
*Invigorate your life with a fresh and clear perspective on how offense is toxic.
*Eliminate toxic behaviors to make room for encounters with God and others.
*Break free from the pain of unforgiveness and bitterness by releasing past wounds and
Living from Intimacy: The Lie about Mary and Martha
Most women live under the lie of trying to balance between Mary and Martha. Our lives are defined by striving, rushing, and completing the tasks at hand instead of our lives being marked by the fruit of the spirit. The lie is we need balance. The truth is there is no balance between Mary and Martha.
*Learn there is no balance between servant and friend.
*Discover how to operate from a place of His presence rather than doing things God
never intended for us to do. Knowing our identity is founded on Him.
*Find peace, joy, and contentment even during difficult times.