Heart at Rest: Introduction

Right before the New Year the Lord spoke to me through a dream. It was a simple, but profound dream, that has propelled me to write. In the dream, I was looking at a giant diamond that had many minute details. There was a man who was pointing out all the details of the diamond that I had missed. He was pulling my attention to the radiant and grand details, but also to the imperfections of the diamond. I awoke with a phrase in my spirit, “a heart at rest.” The Lord over the next couple of days unpacked the meaning of this dream. He revealed that I was in such a hurry that I was missing the radiant and grand details of life and the people around me, but at the same time I was also missing the imperfections of people around me. When you miss the imperfections in a person you overlook the hurt and loss that they are experiencing. I was so busy with my to-do list that I was missing the spirit nudging me to see the minute details of everyday life.

This dream has pulled me into a deeper God-immersion on a quest to have a heart at rest. To be a woman who is so in-tune with the spirit that she is inviting others to the heart of God by just being. She reveals aspects of God’s character by being a woman, who is still and knows that He is God. She woos others to the very heart of God, causing them to want to rest in who He is, rather than strive apart from Him. She fully knows where her confidence comes from and she has the assurance that she is seen and heard by God. She is fully present in every moment and has ceased from striving to be someone she was not created to be. She is walking in full purpose becoming the very women God has created her to be. She would truly be a temple that hosts the presence of God.

I have sensed that this endeavor demands that I not only be a heartfelt woman but also vulnerable to the Spirit’s revealing and to the women around me. I know that this is an opportunity for a level of engagement as I have never known, I am about to embark on journey in deep waters. I know that I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with women, my sisters, who are ready to take this journey with me. Women who are not satisfied with just living. We know deep down that we are meant for so much more than to-do lists, checklists, larger bank accounts, religious rules, clean houses, enhancing our bodies, and having well-behaved children. They all fall short of being the avenue of purpose we desperately long for them to be. Yet, the enemy keeps our focus on these endeavors because he is afraid of what we will become when we walk in full anointing and purpose.

All of us are born with eternity in our hearts as image bearers of God. We are all created for purpose and have a longing for so much more. It comes out in our children’s play to be super-heroes, artist, or firemen. They dream of saving the world and making it a better place. They are born with the capacity to be filled with imagination and creativity. However, as adults we begin to believe that we were created for less. We begin to abandon the very purpose we were created for because we fall into the trap of survival mode in life’s demands.

As women, we are living in a far greater story then we could ever imagine, much larger than our daily mundane moments. If we are not careful we will get caught up in the mundane moments of our lives and begin to focus on our own pain, needs, and desires, missing that we were created for so much more. Before we know it we are living a life that is anything but a heart at rest. We are defined by striving, rushing, and completing the task at hand. We will never find true joy and fulfillment living in the mundane.

I invite you to join me in this quest for a heart at rest. This is an invitation to pursue God and the life you were created for. The implications of millions of women living with a heart at rest is like a dam that has been released. Much like the Samaritan woman after her encounter with Jesus, we as women will begin to flood our cities with the love of the Father. Many will believe (John 4:39).

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Lea Turner
I’m Lea Turner. I have a husband, and we’ve got us, five kids. Three grew in my tummy and two in our hearts. My house is loud and crazy. Moved to Mississippi making me a northern girl stuck in a southern world. Silence is rare. Laundry is never caught up. Relationships over to-do-list and grace over guilt. Rest over stress. Being naturally authentic over wearing a religious mask. Deep conversations over a cup of hot coffee is a refreshment to my soul. I'm on a journey of resting entirely in the love of the Father by letting go of striving and walking fully in my identity. Look, I could get you a cup of coffee and listen, welcome to my kitchen sink, I think you'll like it here.