For the Discouraged and Weary

As we move into Mother’s Day I’ve heard Jesus softly whispering to the discouraged, “It’s ok to feel. Come to me, and I will give you rest. What can I do for you? You can trust me with your hurts and disappointments.”

In this season of my life, as a mother of two preteens, two active little boys, and a toddler. I rarely have a quiet moment. I find myself treasuring moments alone in the bathroom. Savoring moments in the car alone. Even moments washing dishes in the quiet of the evening provide a momentary break from the chaos.

A mundane task often becomes spiritual worship.

Such a time happened several nights ago, after a long and draining week. The Lord surprised me and oh how I needed it! My soul was desperate for more, desperate for rest. Weariness from the demands of the week lay heavy on my heart. Initially, my thoughts were getting away from me. I had failed that day and guilt came quickly to overtake my soul, leaving my thoughts wondering how I will ever get it right.

Past disappointments had turned into deep hurts.

I was just fine. Keep moving. Keep doing. Stop crying. Straighten up; you’re better than this. Don’t be offended. I am fine!

More comfortable to serve then to feel. More comfortable to pull up my big girl pants and continue, then to trust God with all my disappointments and hurts.

We discount our restlessness as a form of weakness. We marginalize the extent of our wounds. We dismiss the frustration as second class. Our feelings are unreliable, so we have been taught. Throwing them to the side and believing our dreams and purposes and even our hurts, as spiritually unnecessary. We underestimate the profound importance of dealing with our emotions head on and taking them to the cross.

Sometimes the more difficult path is allowing ourselves to feel.

And there at the sink, I felt God calling not just me, but women, mothers, who are disappointed and tired of the fight. Tired of believing and hoping for change. Weary from carrying the load of the family.

And all I could think of was that Shunammite women in 2 Kings, the one who faithfully served the prophet, Elisha. She went out of her way to prepare a small room for him and each time Elisha passed through town she had a warm meal and a special place to sleep prepared for him.

And that woman, after faithfully serving, was asked, “Look, you’ve gone to all this trouble for us. What can we do for you?”2 Kings 4:13

She answered, like many of us do, “I am living among my own people” 2 Kings 4:13. In other words, “I have everything I need.” I can hear her now.” I don’t need anything. I’m fine. Just faithfully serving the Lord.”

Elisha’s servant saw she was not fine and answered for her, “Well, she has no son, and her husband is old” vs14.

It says Elisha called her and she stood in the doorway. She didn’t even believe enough to walk all the way in the door.

I wonder how many of us are standing in the doorway of our promise.

So many of us women live in this place of being just fine. Is this the abundant life we are promised? Just fine? Just getting by? Much of us, like the Shunammite women, stand in the doorway of our promise with past disappointments preventing us from moving forward. Thinking I don’t need to experience anything more.

As Elisha called out her promise of a son, she answered from her past disappointment, “No, my lord. Man of God, do not deceive your servant” 2 Kings 4:16.

Don’t you dare call out my promise again? Don’t let me be disappointed again!

Had she given up praying for a son? Like so many of us, had her faith stopped being expectant of God moving in her life?

I imagine thoughts racing through her mind….After all these years of praying and believing how dare he say the promise is coming forth if he doesn’t indeed mean it. I can’t live through another wave of disappointment.

Today just as Elisha, in 2 Kings 4:8-17, called forth the Shunammite woman’s promise again, Jesus is asking us to emerge from our disappointments and believe. Believe that all will be restored. Believe for the healing. Believe for those dreams you’ve kept hidden.

We are told to ignore our needs and wants, dismiss them as if they don’t matter. Improve ourselves, get more done in less time, don’t feel, move on, all to be worthy to the world.

But this is not the life we were made to live. I believe apart of us dies. We become numb. Living just from day to day and slowly we become ineffective for the Kingdom.

Today, as I write this, I feel Holy Spirit saying, “Trust me. Hand me your disappointments and hurts; believe again.”

“Joy and gladness will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee.” Isaiah 35:10

That night at the sink brought forth such healing for my soul. I allowed myself to feel. I allowed the Lord in, and I let Him speak to the dry ground in my soul.

Today I trust and rest knowing my Father works on my behalf redeeming all that was lost in abundance.

“Israel put your hope in the Lord. For there is faithful love with the Lord, and with Him is redemption in abundance. And he will redeem Israel from all sins” Psalm 130:7-8.

Imagine yourself the Shunammite women, and God is asking, “What can I do for you?”

Sometimes its easier to take care of everyone else, believe for everyone else, and not feel. Trust me I know!  Friend, sister in Christ, our only way to rest is to allow ourselves to feel and to trust God and believe the words spoken over ourselves and our family. Hear the sound of Holy Spirit calling you to believe again. Listen to Him; you just might be standing in the doorway of your promise.

Know I am standing with you in faith. I would love to hear what you are believing for, signup for bi-weekly words of encouragement below and send me an email. We were made to thrive together!

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How many of us feel like we're not living the life we were meant to have?We're getting lost beneath the responsibility of marriage, motherhood, and career, wondering if He still has a plan for us.

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Lea Turner
I’m Lea Turner. I have a husband, and we’ve got us, five kids. Three grew in my tummy and two in our hearts. My house is loud and crazy. Moved to Mississippi making me a northern girl stuck in a southern world. Silence is rare. Laundry is never caught up. Relationships over to-do-list and grace over guilt. Rest over stress. Being naturally authentic over wearing a religious mask. Deep conversations over a cup of hot coffee is a refreshment to my soul. I'm on a journey of resting entirely in the love of the Father by letting go of striving and walking fully in my identity. Look, I could get you a cup of coffee and listen, welcome to my kitchen sink, I think you'll like it here.

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