It’s hard to just “be.” Isn’t it easier just to do more? Drawing our identity from the things we accomplish rather than from God is always easier.
It would only take a second to hop on Pinterest and find an article on being more confident, less anxious, saving more, decluttering your house, overcoming depression, or having obedient children. I even saw an article called How to Get Pregnant Faster. We are made to feel as long as we follow this ten step process we will have peace, joy, and a greater sense of identity.
But, what if God is inviting us to release all the formulas and rest in His Word?
To be His Beloved, today. To let go of the striving in the flesh. To let go of the anxiety and fear and trust.
This is the word the Lord gave me at the beginning of 2017.
The one-word God puts on our hearts always seems quite simple until we go to live it out. We take our one-word and measure it up against all the choices out there. We begin to take it upon ourselves to tweak and add to our one word making it fit with the world around us.
We complicate and question what God whispered to our hearts, doubting God spoke at all. And our souls begin to flood with confusion.
I was unsure of how to “be.” Longing to know the beginning through the end before stepping out in faith.
Allowing Yourself to Be
Clarity came the Sunday after New Years.
Pastor spoke on fasting; giving God our first in the New Year and all else will follow. He stood on the platform encouraging us to fast something for the next 21 days.
I knew instantly I needed to fast social media. No Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter for 21 days. After all, change happens when we purposely create new habits. Want to stay the same, do the same. Want to change, create new habits.
Sometimes you don’t need a 10 step process for the New Year—you need a Holy Spirit word.
Allow yourself to listen to that small, still voice, and do the very next thing in obedience. Simply move forward.
Write it Down
No social media for 21 days was my next best thing, my Holy Spirit word. I released all the questions surrounding a media fast; I let this be the plan because if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.
I went home and purposed in my heart: This is the Year I will “be.”
*Be who God created me to be, no matter what that may look like.
*Be present, because it’s in the small moments that life is lived.
*Be still, look to the small moments.
*Be purposeful in my thoughts. Word first daily. Exercise more; it releases stress.
*Draw my identity from Christ rather than what I do or from others.
Write out the word God gave because when life gets overwhelming, all you need to do is remember and listen to the next best thing.
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace” 2 Timothy 1:9.
What if we lived our whole 2017 listening more and doing less?
Pressing in and listening, pushing aside every thought that causes anxiety when our insecurities question what God has placed on our hearts.
What if we lived from a place of listening to Holy Spirit rather than fear?
What if we grabbed the Word over social media and began to drown out the voices we need to do more and be more to be known and seen?
What if functioned from a place of knowing we are already known and seen by our Father?
Reflect for a moment. Would you ever be afraid again if you understood this truth as reality? Would you hold back and live safe? Would you compare yourself to anyone else? I bet we would all live the abundant life we so desperately longed for if we knew, not just in our minds, but in the marrow of our being that God is crazy in love with us and He sees us and knows us. He is delighted with us. We can trust Him.
This year I am on a journey to do just that: expose the lies, walk in the truth, and live a guilt-free life. Letting go of having it all figured out and just “Be.”
Friend, do that thing He is asking of you. He will always lead and guide if you are willing to listen. Write the word down. Commit to it. Choose courage over fear. Striving and anxiety will go when we abide in the Holy Spirit.
“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:6-7 MSG
If we want to increase your captivity for more of God, we must obey the word he places on our hearts today. Don’t dismiss the Spirit leading you to do the next best thing.
What is God whispering to your heart today?
My site might look a little different today. My talented friend Tessa Mullis helped me make it more authentically me. (need a web designer, look her up) There’s more of my personality and added warmth. Perhaps you would allow my brokenness to sit next to yours as we encourage each other to stand on God’s truth, even if it doesn’t make sense. Even if it’s hard. Even if it’s painful. Because together we will find rest for our weary, worn-out souls in the mess of life. Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair and let’s get to know each other.
Look for me on Facebook & Instagram for daily inspiration. If you want to receive weekly inspiration in your email, sign up here.
All comments, spoken & unspoken, are cherished & appreciated.
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The Joy of the Lord is My Strength.
One response
[…] Lea Turner (whose blog I
) inspired me to try an extended social media break, and her post, Dare to Do the Next Best Thing, is a cool drink of […]