They have no idea that the world is at war and that people die every day just because their skin is a different color. My children have no idea that the world is hurting and groaning for a Savior.
Under the twinkling of the Christmas lights my youngest says something that hits deep and causes me to breathe in this Christmas season.
I simply ask, “How has God provided for us this year?”
His response, “He allows us to celebrate.”
I’m standing there looking at my five-year old son who has been through 2 heart surgeries and countless setbacks concerning his health speaking straight to my heart.
This child, in 2015, has experienced a miracle! His heart has been healed. He, born with a deadly heart condition and having endured such pain, knows the importance of celebrating all that God has done.
Before his miracle, every night before bed he would thank God for his healing, even though the doctors and tests said other wise. My son knew that he was healed and he declared this for over a year.
One night he had to remind me of this miracle as I began to pray out of fear for his healing.
He knew what God had spoken, “Mom, he has already healed me. We need to thank Him for it.”
Having child like faith is believing and celebrating your miracle before it even happens.
Everyday our Lord is performing miracles among us. We have to make a choice to celebrate them over the loudness of the doubt of the world.
Five simple words from a five-year have changed my perspective on Christmas.
Christmas reminds us to celebrate all year round.
Celebrate even when you are waiting for your miracle or promise. Celebrate because our Father loves to give good gifts to His children. He is chasing down every person with His love, waiting to bestow blessing on them. He never forgets a promise or a word that He has spoken over one of His sons or daughters.
Celebrating is God’s idea not the world’s idea.
“You will joyfully draw water from the springs of salvation, and on that day you will say, “Give thanks to Yahweh; proclaim His name! Celebrate His works among the peoples. Declare that His name is exalted. Sing to Yahweh, for he has done glorious things. Let this be known throughout the earth. Cry out and sing citizens of Zion, for the Holy One of Israel is among you in His greatness.” Isaiah 12:3-6
What other time of year does a hotel play a recording of the Christmas story straight from the Bible, while onlookers stop and study the figures of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus? The word of God is being declared into the atmosphere. What other time do you hear “Hark the Herald Angles Sing,” playing over the loudspeaker in the mall? This is a miracle!
He is here! Our Savior has come to save the world!
Celebrate even if you are waiting for a miracle. Celebrate even if times are tough and darkness is closing in. Celebrate because He has come to give you peace.
This year I will linger bit longer taking in the beauty and wonder of Christmas remembering that it was God’s idea to celebrate.
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