Each week during the Advent season, I am featuring a devotional on who Jesus is, to help us prepare our hearts for Christ’s birth. If you missed previous weeks you could read (Week 1): Jesus is Restorer here and (Week 2) When All Hope Seems Lost here.
guest post by Clara Mumba
If you have ever lost a loved one to sickness or disease or had to watch someone suffer while you stand in faith, than knowing Christ as Healer can be one of the toughest truths to believe. For me, I completely ignored this aspect of Christ until recently. Believing He was a healer had left me disappointed to many times.
Believing He was a healer had left me disappointed too many times.
I spent most of my life at doctors appointments and in and out of the hospital having surgeries due to heart disease. All while my family stood in faith, believing undoubtably God would heal me.
At the age of 17, I moved away from my family and friends to go to Bible college; it was then I finally started my own journey with the Lord. After four and a half years of asking pastors and leaders the hard questions about Christ, His will, and His healing nature, here I am today.
He is Our Healer
About a week ago I was in the hospital, having yet another open heart surgery. I laid in that hospital bed one morning asking Father God, “Why didn’t you hear me? Why didn’t your hear the prayers for healing from me and my family and friends? Why haven’t you healed me?”
He answered with a gentle whisper, “I heard you; I heard everyone, and I have a plan.” What? He heard me? But I’m in the hospital recovering from a major surgery, in extreme pain, it sure doesn’t look like He heard anyone.
Just then I felt his overwhelming peace and love. I began to realize He was there with me all along. I knew He had healed me. It may not have looked the way I thought. I may have had to walk a long journey of hospitals, medicines, and surgeries, but my eyes were finally opened. I finally saw He was there all along, guarding me, protecting me, and healing me.
What? He heard me? But I’m in the hospital recovering from a major surgery, in extreme pain, it sure doesn’t look like He heard anyone. Just then I felt his overwhelming peace and love. I began to realize He was there with me all along. I knew He had healed me. It may not have looked the way I thought. I may have had to walk a long journey of hospitals, medicines, and surgeries, but my eyes were finally opened to see, He was there all along.. guarding me, protecting me, and healing me.
Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
He was my everything as I walked this journey. My strength. My peace. My eyes to see the end. Even my breath each time I woke up from surgery. That morning I learned when God gives you peace, He’s healing you. When God gives you strength, He’s healing you. When He sheds His love on you, it is saturated in His healing oil.
We may at times have to walk through situations that we do not understand, situations that no one can explain. However, no situation can change the reality of His healing nature. He is indeed, at all times, a healer.
There are many ways Christ manifest Himself as healer in our lives, though we often times do not see it. Just like the very first moment it was displayed as a baby in a manger, we did not recognize Him as healer, though that is precisely who He was. We must open our heart and minds again to begin to receive and see Him, a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, as healer. Do not let your own definition of healer leave you disappointed. I want to challenge you today to open up and begin to allow Christ to show you His healing oil running through your life. It’s there I promise. Trust in Him because the true healer never disappoints.
Clara Mumba is a woman of great courage and kindness. She lives whole-heartedly for the One who made here whole. She seeks her confidence in the secret place and longs to know God more deeply, even in the midst of pain. It was my honor and grace to welcome her here to share a piece of her heart. She lives in Hamilton, Al with her brand-new baby and husband.
If this encouraged your soul, please share it to help others to believe for the impossible and to find Jesus as their healer. Thanks for stopping by.
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