Hi! I’m Lea Turner. You’re welcome here just the way you are!

I help people find healing, hope, and purpose after loss

I know what it’s like to carry deep grief—the kind that shakes your world and leaves you wondering if joy will ever return. Over the course of just a few years, I faced unimaginable loss—losing loved ones, walking through cancer, surviving a house fire, and watching dreams slip away. Grief became a constant companion, and yet, through it all, God met me in the pain.

A few things to know about me….

Hi, I’m Lea—author, speaker, grief coach, and book mentor. But more than that, I’m a wife, a mom to five (three biological and two adopted), a storyteller, and a woman who has walked through deep loss and still believes in joy. We live in Mississippi, which makes me a northern girl stuck in a southern world.

I help people find healing, hope, and purpose after loss—because I know firsthand how grief can leave you feeling stuck, alone, and unsure of what comes next.

I started writing here on the blog in 2016, but in 2019, my world shifted when my father passed away. Less than a year later, my mom received a devastating cancer diagnosis. In 2020, we survived a complete house fire, and in the aftermath, my son spiraled into addiction. Then November 2025, my mom died. Loss after loss, I found myself wading through grief, facing the heartbreak of addiction, and piecing life back together after losing everything in the fire. Walking through both the practical and emotional aftermath of each loss was the loneliest and hardest season of my life. I write the complete story in my first book, “The Freedom to Feel: Finding God in the Midst of Grief and Trauma.” (order below)

Through it all, I realized something: we don’t grieve well as a culture. We’re taught to “be strong,” “move on,” and keep our pain hidden. But grief isn’t just about death—it’s also the loss of dreams, health, security, relationships, and life as we once knew it. And yet, so often, there isn’t space to process those deep wounds—especially the unexpected ones, like a house fire or addiction in the family.

That’s why I do what I do. No one should have to walk through grief alone.

Whether you’re navigating the weight of loss or longing to write the story that’s been placed on your heart, I’m here to walk with you. Because healing happens in community, and your story—your pain, your hope, your journey—matters.

But when I’m not writing or coaching, you can find me sipping coffee, running kids here and there, getting lost in a book, driving with the windows down, or laughing with my family and friends.

What do I do?

Teaching, speaking, workshops, retreats, podcasting.

I’m available NOW as a podcast guest, speaker, teacher, and consultant on topics in mental health, faith journeys, grief, writing, launching a book, and resting in God in these difficult seasons.

Hire me to speak at your event or with your online community or to be a guest on your podcast. Contact Lea direct to discuss fees at info@leaturner.com

For those who are grieving: Either one-one-on or community Grief couching

As a registered nurse and certified grief coach, and one who has walked the long road of grief, I specialize in working with others who have experienced loss. I’ll help you process your emotions with grace and faith. Guide you to rediscover joy and purpose after loss. Equip you with practical tools for healing through  Build a Life After Loss coaching program.

Simply email me at info@leaturner.com to book a free 15-minute Zoom call today

For authors and writers: One-on-on or group coaching, 

As one who knows the difficultes of writing and launching a book I am here to encourage you along the way. I’ll help you shape and share your hardest stories with clarity and confidence. Walk you through the writing and publishing process. Help you launch your book into the world. Provide a supportive writing community through Writer-2-Writer. Simply email me at


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How many of us feel like we're not living the life we were meant to have?We're getting lost beneath the responsibility of marriage, motherhood, and career, wondering if He still has a plan for us.

Yeah…you're tired, worn-out, looking for a place to find rest for your soul?

I understand. I get it. Me too. Join me in this journey for more...because we created for greatness.

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