For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not. I am the one who helps you.” –Isaiah 41:13 (ESV)
I don’t want to.
I have to, I know.
In all my best efforts, I attempt to ease my son’s hurt if only I could find him the right help, medication, or even an outstanding mentor. Or maybe if he could just grasp how much I long to see him set free from his suffering, he’ll walk away from all the addiction.
Something must give.
Finally, in a desperate attempt to save his life, I google drug rehabs and begin to make calls. One after another, until I find the rehab I think will be the right fit. As much as I don’t want to, I know my son needs help.
Two days later, we find ourselves packing in his room. He and I will make the four-hour drive to his first of three rehabs in just a few short hours.
Help, God. Please. Help me. I exhale these words to God as I grab the towels he needs to pack. Help comes in the most unusual ways.
I am honored to have my words over at my friend’s blog The Faith to Flourish, head over there to read more.
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